IELTS Mock Exam

IELTS MOCK EXAM is scheduled to take place on EVERY SUNDAY from 9:00 am. to 12:00 and/or 7 pm to 10 pm. Participating in this exam helps you to:

• get to know the test format

• experience the types of tasks you will be asked to undertake

• test yourself under timed conditions

• get feedback on your writing and speaking

And finally your score would be close enough to your IELTS exam score band. So, before taking the official IELTS exam, try to have an IELTS MOCK EXAM to see at which level you are.

For more information, you can call or text at: 514-605-4030 or send an email to: CLINIC.IELTS@GMAIL.COM

Good luck

Ali Fallahi

IELTS teacher